Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rice - random post

When I was younger I read.  A lot.  I remember reading The Women of Brewster Place, a novel by Gloria Naylor.  In this book there is a scene where a young mother is cooking dinner.  She's just lost a baby (or maybe even aborted it) because she is poor, unmarried, and already taking care of a toddler.  The man she loves is in and out of their lives but isn't really worth anything.

At any rate she is washing rice in the sink.  She keeps rinsing it and rinsing it but, in her mind, the water just won't come clean.  It's probably supposed to be a metaphor for her life - she keeps doing the same thing over and over again but getting the same result, otherwise known as the definition of insanity.

My point is that it took me a very long time, but it finally clicked for me - rice isn't going to come clean.  It's literally starch.  She was rinsing starch...from starch.  That's why the water stayed cloudy!

Rice is such a delicious food.  I have tried all types but my favorite is jasmine, unless it is wrapped around seaweed and served as a type of sushi.  Reg loves rice, too - he actually grew up eating rice, whereas I didn't.  Mom was not too big a fan - I guess because SHE grew up eating it, too.

We've been all over the place with rice - it seems to raise Reggie's blood sugar quite a bit so we've been shying away from it.  Now I may prepare it once or twice a month.  I love wild rice but I'm far too lazy to actually cook it on the stove, and it never cooks right in my cooker, so I stick with white rice and only prepare it when I'm doing something with a lot of protein rich veggies.

Click this site to give free rice!

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